Fresh Labs

Fresh Labs

Staying Fresh by

building the future

In addition to building and deploying cutting-edge web apps and experiences, we share and talk about all things emerging tech in the Generative AI, Augmented / Virtual Reality, Metaverse, Web3, and more.

“Keep Staying Fresh” and building the future by:

  • Bringing to the forefront the emerging tech you need to understand and follow
  • Scrappy prototyping
  • In-depth reviews of hardwares and experiences

Announcing Connect AI models to build AI apps in minutes, with no-code

The wait is over! We’ve officially launched which empowers you to connect generative AI models to make it super fast and easy to create apps - no coding necessary. We love to get feedback from our community!


What we’re recording...

Where we’re speaking...


What we’re prototyping...


What we’re writing...


What we’re sharing...


What we’re building...
